Getting your teeth straightened isn’t just for teenagers anymore. Like many adults, you have probably wanted to straighten your teeth. Our teeth tend to get slightly crooked over time, especially if we wore braces as kids but stopped wearing our retainer at some point. Straightening your teeth as an adult may seem to be an impossible dream, and you’ve got a long list of reasons why you can’t do it.
Your smile and the confidence to display it more often is reason enough to explore orthodontic treatment, but the benefits may go much further. In general, straight teeth are healthier teeth – easier to clean, less prone to decay. Correcting misalignments may also help to alleviate other health concerns.
Crowding should be corrected because it can:
o prevent proper cleaning of all the surfaces of your teeth
o cause dental decay
o increase the chances of gum disease
o prevent proper functioning of teeth
o make your smile less attractive

Orthodontics is the specialty of dentistry focused on the diagnosis and treatment of dental and associated facial irregularities. The results of orthodontic treatment can be dramatic and beautiful smiles, improved dental health and an enhanced quality of life for many people of all ages. Orthodontic problems, which can result from genetic and environmental factors, must be diagnosed before treatment begins. Proper diagnosis involves taking photographs, x-rays, and dental impressions, which enable our practice to make informative decisions about the form of treatment necessary.